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Methods To Change Your Nose Shape

How to Change Nose Shape

The shape of your nose significantly contributes to the aesthetics of your facial profile. It is commonly believed that the only way to change your nose’s shape is through a surgical operation also known as a ‘nose job.’ However, contrary to popular belief, it is possible to alter the shape of your nose through non-surgical alternatives. This article will proffer you with valuable insights on how you can modify the shape of your nose without going under the knife.

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of non-surgical nose jobs, it is vital to understand the underpinning science behind the shape of your nose. The nose comprises bone, cartilage and muscles. The bone lies at the top of your nose, while the bottom part is mainly cartilage. Just like other body tissues, the cartilage and muscles of your nose can be moulded or manipulated to assume a different shape.


Nose reshaping exercises have been a popular tradition in yoga, particularly as a part of “face yoga” practices. These exercises target the reshaping of various nose shapes and sizes. Though the scientific backing of these exercises has been lacking, some people have reported a noticeable change in their nose shape over an extended period of regular practice.

One of the most common nose reshaping exercises includes ‘nose shortening,’ which entails pushing the tip of your nose up slightly and performing forced exhalations out of your nose. Other exercises include ‘nose sharpening,’ where you are supposed to curl the upper part of your nose and flare your nostrils. These exercises should be performed in regular intervals for best results.


Make-up techniques such as contouring and highlighting can create an illusion of a redefined nose shape. By applying darker shades on the sides and a lighter shade down the middle of your nose, you can create a slimming effect that masks the real width of your nose.

Nose Job Without Surgery

While exercises and make-up can give a transient change in nose shape, the effects created by a nose job without surgery are typically semi-permanent or even permanent in some cases. The most prominent non-surgical nose job is a treatment called non-surgical rhinoplasty which involves the use of dermal fillers to reshape the nose.

The procedure is minimally invasive and has significantly fewer risks compared to a conventional surgical nose job. The doctor will inject suitable fillers into specific areas of your nose, helping to fill depressions, smooth out sharp angles, or change the angle of the tip of your nose, creating the appearance of a smoother, more symmetric nose.

Experienced cosmetic doctors can subtly enhance the nose in a way that it harmonises better with the other facial features, without drastically changing your appearance.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a way to change your nose shape, there are several options available to you that won’t require invasive surgery. Whatever method you choose, remember to consult a professional to ensure safe and effective results.

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